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Qlabtics Solutions for Suppliers

Qlabtics provides several solutions for service providers to help them better manage their engineers and equipment maintenance

Engineer management

Qlabtics offers an engineer management system that allows service providers to track their engineers' schedules, work orders, and performance. This system also provides real-time data on engineers' workloads and availability, helping service providers optimize their resources and improve their response times.

Maintenance tracking

Qlabtics provides a cloud-based maintenance tracking system that enables service providers to keep track of their equipment maintenance schedules, service history, and warranty status. This system sends alerts when maintenance is due, tracks maintenance costs, and generates reports on maintenance history.

Customer satisfaction tracking

Qlabtics offers a customer satisfaction tracking system that allows service providers to track customer feedback and satisfaction levels. This system provides real-time data on customer satisfaction levels, allows service providers to respond to customer inquiries and feedback promptly, and helps build stronger customer relationships.

Asset tracking

Qlabtics provides an asset tracking system that enables service providers to track the location and status of their equipment. This (Future) system AI analytics to provide real-time data on equipment performance and health, helping service providers identify potential issues before they become major problems.

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